If you want to learn the art of essay writing, this is what you need to do: Start by just getting your essay started. Then, plan out your essay. Write a detailed outline, with each paragraph having a topic sentence and supporting evidence. Use the outline to write in an organised way and make it easy to look back and find quotes that fit into your argument. Always make sure you’re using quality sources for your quotes; make sure every quote is relevant and supports your argument; try to use short quotes and to the point; don’t use quotes as filler – they should always play a key role in your essay!

Start by just getting your essay started.

It’s important just to get your essay started. That may sound obvious, but it can be hard to start writing the first draft of an essay because you’re unfamiliar with the school’s required format and structure. And if you don’t have enough information to write your essay, it can be difficult to know what questions to ask or how much research needs to be done.

It’s also important to have a good idea of what you want to say in your essay before writing it out—otherwise, you’ll end up with a bunch of random facts that don’t go together or make any sense. Once again, this is something many people find challenging because they’ve never written an academic paper before: They might not even know what kind of topic will appeal most strongly (or least strongly) to their teacher! But don’t worry about getting all those details right yet—just get started on whatever idea(s) come naturally first by writing down some notes on paper or typing them up into Google Docs (which makes revision easier).

Then, plan out your essay.

Once you’ve understood the topic, brainstormed and written down some ideas, it’s time to plan your essay. Remember that planning is important and should not be overlooked. However, don’t spend too much time planning: you want to be productive and efficient.

First, write down everything that comes to mind about the topic using bullet points or numbers (1., 2., 3.). Then go through what you have written and organise it into paragraphs or ideas. You can use a bullet point for each paragraph or idea if it helps keep them all straight in your head.

Next comes the outline itself: organise the information from each bullet point into headings for each paragraph for them to make sense once put together into an essay format later on (for example, “introduction,” “body” with subheadings such as “the first reason” or “the second reason”). Make sure each heading has its topic sentence that makes sense when combined with supporting evidence under each heading!

Write a detailed outline.

The outline is a blueprint for the essay. It should be brief but detailed enough to help you write the essay. The outline should be written in sentence form and not paragraph form. This will make it easy to read and understand. However, you can also rely on essay writers to give you an outstanding essay that can help you get a fantastic grade.

Use the outline to write in an organised way.

If you want to learn the art of essay writing, you need to do this. Use your outline as a guide to write in an organised way and make it easy for yourself to look back and find quotes that fit into your argument.

Make sure every quote is relevant and supports your argument.

  • Make sure every quote is relevant and supports your argument.
  • The quote should always be relevant to the topic. If you’re talking about “the effects of climate change in Antarctica,” don’t include a quote from someone saying they’ve seen a bear on the street corner in Manhattan.
  • The quote should always be relevant to the thesis statement. If your paper is supposed to be about how global warming affects penguins, don’t include a line from an unrelated essay stating that global warming doesn’t exist (unless you’re contradicting yourself).
  • The quote should match up with the topic sentence and paragraph structure in general; make sure it fits with everything else surrounding it!


The purpose of an essay is to give your opinion on a topic and then prove your position. The best way to do that is by using quotes from other sources, but only if they support what you’re saying. So when learning how to write an essay, ensure that every quote is relevant and supports your argument. That way it will be easier to write and more accessible for others to read!

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Author Bio

Carmen Troy is a research-based content writer, who works for Cognizantt, a globally recognized professional SEO service and Research Prospect; an 论文和论文写作服务 Mr Carmen holds a PhD degree in mass communication. He loves to express his views on various issues, including education, technology, and more.